This is a painting!

Believe it or not this is an incredible and stunningly painted image by British artist Sue Rubira.

The portrait is of Rubira’s mother and was intricately painted in the artist’s studio. Rubira says ‘I chose to position her purposefully under a sky light which presented her in the natural, unembellished state most familiar to me.’

Although Rubira paints from life the process starts by taking hundreds of photos - without using flash - to arrange pose and lighting. Using this process she can then prepare the design, set-up and placement on the canvas and the position of the model in relation to natural lighting.

Rubira studied Foundation in Art and Design at Banbury School of Art, Oxfordshire (1976-1977) before going on to study illustration at Bristol and the Royal College of Art. If you would like to see more of her amazing and talented work or indeed an animation of Rubira’s painting process you can do so by visiting:


Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
theSTUDIO (an Artfusion company) was established to service the Digital Fine Art Printing Market by working with artists to both reproduce and extend their art.