Two artists in Balance

Giorgio Morandi Still Life (Natura morta), 1956, Oil on canvas; 9 7/8 x 13 7/8 ins
Yale University Art Gallery, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, B.A. 1929

I came across the work of #Oxfordshire artist Sarah #Spackman today whilst on the Web and was immediately struck by the way her ‘White Space Series’ reminded me of one of the most admired Italian painters of the twentieth century, Giorgio #Morandi (1890-1964). Using simple elements, pots and cups, Spackman stages an array of variations that displays great sensitivity to tone, colour, and compositional balance.

Morandi used the same simple elements, including bottles, boxes, and the view from his window. Whilst his paintings appear to transcend time and place, an effect he achieved by removing labels from his bottles, Spackman says of her work “This group of paintings is about space - the confined intimate space of #still-life”.

Her most recent body of work Parks of Oxford explores further the theme of space and the atmosphere around and between objects and can be viewed at the Sarah #Wiseman Gallery, South Parade, #Summertown, Oxford, March 10-26 2011

Oil on canvas,
Sarah Spackman


Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
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