We artists sketch constantly. Not only is it a required habit, but it is ingrained in our psyche. We were born with the desire to create. We find inspiration everywhere we look. What a crime if that fantastic idea you just had, while trudging down the Tesco aile or doing the school run, would go to waste! But no longer.
Though pencil and paper may be orphaned at home, we rarely forget our cellphone. If you happen to be one of the upwardly “mobile” you more than likely have an iPod Touch, iPhone, or iPad at your disposal. And chances are, like American Express of old, you never leave home without it.
Adobe Idea, Autodesk SketchBook Pro and Brushes are the favoured applications that allow artists to capture concepts and inspirations on the go. They all provide you with a large canvas to work with, pinch and zoom capabilities, and greater control of your brush and pallet.
I first started using the Apple iPod Touch in 2009, but more recently I aquired an iPad and since then I have produced countless drawings. It is an exciting and addictive medium that offers fresh and exciting possibilities. Of course I am not alone in converting to the electroncic sketchbook, it is also the choice of the professionals like David Hockney!
Blog Archive
- A Painting A Day
- Do you have a weight issue?
- Do’s and Don’ts
- She is classic yet every bit as cutting edge as w...
- Exhibitors wanted for Cornerstone arts centre
- Banbury to Gotham City
- It’s an absolute delight!
- Using a framework
- My #SketchBook is used by David #Hockney!
- 'vorsprung durch technik' ?
- Two artists in Balance
- Shifting Light - From Banbury to Provence
- A Gem of a book
- It's back! The Affordable Art Fair
- The Studio
- Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
- theSTUDIO (an Artfusion company) was established to service the Digital Fine Art Printing Market by working with artists to both reproduce and extend their art.