Painting the SWAN

Following his appointment in October 2010 as an associate artist of the UK's most innovative and accessible Orchestra of the Swan, artist Roger Shapley is to exhibit twelve paintings at the Civic Hall, Stratford from 04 July until 05 August 2011.

For the past eight months, Shapley has been documenting the orchestra during their rehearsals and specifically the effects of light, shade, shape and movement. Using his sketchbooks, paper and photographs Shapley says, “ I have tried to capture informal views of this small intimate community of respected musicians”.

This is the first time the Orchestra, whose home is at the Civic Hall, where it has been based since its inception, have appointed an associate graphic artist and “it's a bit of a trial run” says Shapley. He continues, “I just sat in amongst the orchestra at their rehearsals and got on with it”. All the paintings were completed back at his studio which is where he begins by applying paint with a cloth, builds the painting with brushwork and occasionally a palette knife. Shapley’s paintings are often as much about paint itself as they are about subject or source. Indeed, his free style and signature palette are attracting growing interest.


Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
theSTUDIO (an Artfusion company) was established to service the Digital Fine Art Printing Market by working with artists to both reproduce and extend their art.