Paint & Pixels

An increasing number of artists are exploring integrating digital processes into their traditional work. For some it is the opportunity to see alternative views of their work or the ability to add photographic realism to their prints or paintings. But the most compelling aspect of digital imaging is that it facilitates integration of a wide range of media. Painting, drawing, collage, photography and printmaking can all be combined seamlessly using digital tools.

As a practising artist and owner of theSTUDIO it has always been my commitment to provide access to the best digital imaging products and printing processes at an affordable price. Using Mimaki and Epson Large format inkjet printers theSTUDIO can facilitate your creative exploration:

• Create unique and original works combining inkjet printing withy traditional art materials

• Create customised surfaces on which to print your artwork

• Digitally produce an underprinting for oil and canvas

• Produce stunning limited edition prints

• Print large format and explore size and scale

( images up to 60" by any length )

TOP: A faint image taken from a photograph and printed on paper.
BOTTOM: Acrylic paints have been applied over the printed image.

(The art of Digital Atelier, Bonny Lhotka, Dorothy Simpson Krause and Karin Schminke)


Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
theSTUDIO (an Artfusion company) was established to service the Digital Fine Art Printing Market by working with artists to both reproduce and extend their art.